In the aftermath of the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, the left (which is comprised of the Democrats and the Mainstream Media), has displayed an utter lack of interest in unifying the country. President Trump has made overtures towards unification, but those are rejected wholesale. Instead, the left is more interested in a tyrannical takeover of every single institution in America.
This can easily be seen, as the only shooting that matters is the one in El Paso, not Dayton. The Dayton shooter was a clear leftist, so he get’s off the hook from the media’s ire and scrutiny. The El Paso shooter, on the other hand, wrote a manifesto that espoused white nationalist and racist views. President Trump condemned this hate loudly and repeatedly. The left ignored that. They used the fact that he read off of a teleprompter, as he does with many of his speeches, as a sign of lack of sincerity. They hearken back to the Charlottesville Lie to “prove” that Trump is friendly to white nationalists. Some even call President Trump himself a white nationalist. They are not interested in unifying the country.
Here are just a few examples (in no particular order) of the egregious reporting and acts done by the media and the Democrats this week.
- Nichole Wallace claimed that Trump wanted to “exterminate” Latinos
- Joaquin Castro, Democratic Congressman from San Antonio, Texas and brother to Presidential candidate Julian Castro, doxxed his own constituents for donating to Trump’s re-election campaign
- The New York Times changed its headline from an objective one that pushed for unity to a biased one that blasted Trump and advocated divisiveness
- New Jersey Senator and Presidential Candidate Cory Booker said “no” when asked if he accepts President Trump’s condemnation of white nationalism
- Democratic Mayor of Dayton, Ohio Nan Whaley encouraged people to protest Trump’s visit to the city to pay his respects to the victims
- MSNBC’s Hardball’s Chris Matthews and panelists question if President Trump cares about El Paso shooting victims
- Multiple networks ignored Beto O’Rourke calling President Trump a “racist” and “white supremacist” when Trump attacked Beto on twitter for his comments.
- Writer Stephen King called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell an “accomplice” to the shootings, claiming “he should be charged as an accomplice in these deaths”
- Morning Joe blamed Republicans for the shooting, claiming they have “blood on their hands”
- Mika Brzezinski, also on Morning Joe, claimed that President Trump “seems to want” shootings to happen
- Former News anchor Dan Rather encouraged journalists to NOT report President Trump’s quotes, because “he sometimes says the right thing”
- NBC’s Richard Engel flew to Germany to find a neo-Nazi, give him a platform, just to attack President Trump
- Presidential candidate Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party immediately began fundraising off of the mass shooting
- The New York Times’ Charles Blow wrote an article about how Republican’s have the same goal as white nationalist shooters if they support border control
- On MSNBC, former FBI analyst Frank Figluizzi claimed that President Trump call to lower the flag to half-mast until August 8th was a pro-Nazi symbol (as 8/8 is signficant because the 8th letter of the alphabet is H and 88 is Heil Hitler)
- Vice President Joe Biden compared President Trump to the KKK
- Morning Joe’s Joe Scarborough claimed that anyone contributing to President Trump’s re-election is funding a “white supremacist campaign”
- Beto O’Rourke called President Trump an “avowed racist” and tells him not to visit El Paso