Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez is making headlines again, this time after a visit to Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) facilities. Ocasio-Cortez tweeted her findings, which miraculously lined up with her classification of the detention centers as “concentration camps” before. The detention facilities could have been the Ritz-Carlton, Ocasio-Cortez went in with an agenda, and it’s obvious that many of her claims are lies.
In a series of tweets, Ocasio-Cortez calls half of the CBP agents racists and sexists for being part of a Facebook group, in which there are posts directed at her. Now, two things can be true at once. The people who made these posts could be wrong in their language and mannerisms. It is also true that anyone who belongs to a group of over 9,500 people is going to have some of those people say things you disagree with. This doesn’t stop Ocasio-Cortez from labeling the entirety of the CBP officers part of “a violent culture” and accusing all 9,500 people of “sharing memes about dead migrants and discussing violence and sexual misconduct towards members of Congress.”
Then Ocasio-Cortez got to the facilities. According to her, people are drinking out of toilets, officers are threatening towards her, and the conditions were worse than she could have imagined. According to witnesses, though, Ocasio-Cortez began screaming at the officers at the beginning of the tour. Witnesses were visibly shocked. “The agents, they wanted to respond, but they held back because she’s a congressional delegate. But when you have someone yelling at you in a threatening manner … ” a witness said. “They were like, ‘Hey, you need to kinda step back.’”
Ocasio-Cortez was not deterred. She sent out another series of tweets to her 4.59 million followers that lambasted the facilities, painted a picture of poor, innocent people being maltreated and malnourished. “People drinking out of toilets. Officers laughing in front of members Congress”. The only problem is that she, and the other Democrats who toured with her, are either lying or exaggerating the truth. This is obvious based on their actions.
Congress funds these facilities. They have oversight of these facilities. If Ocasio-Cortez or any of the other Democrats witnessed mistreatment of the detainees or egregious actions by the officers, the LAST thing they would do it tweet about it. They would take down the name of the officer, or the victim, then subpoena them and conduct an investigation. They have the power to fix the problem. They can provide funding for food, medicine, soap, toothpaste, beds, or anything else. They can drag every officer in CBP to testify in front of them. They are the majority party. They can conduct a thorough investigation into this. They decided to tweet about it instead.
Why? Because they are looking for power and to win elections. They want this issue to blow up in public sphere. They want President Trump to go down in the polls. They want the guide the Presidential candidates to a pledge to shut down facilities, release all illegal immigrants into the country, and decriminalize the border. This will be far more effective with a series of tweets and the accompanying coverage by The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC. When the report from Congress comes out in the 6-10 months it takes to actually conduct an investigation, this problem could be solved, and the finding will not be as dramatic as the hearsay and conjecture that a seasoned social media activist like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could provide.
The backlash to Ocasio-Cortez’s tweets was predictable and instantaneous. It is well known that she is not a trusted member of Congress, and is willing to twist the narrative to suit her political purposes. Ryan Saavedra of The Daily Wire has been chronicling the counter-narrative since Ocasio-Cortez has began tweeting.
Needless to say, the situation at the border will not change via Twitter. The only purpose of today’s trending topic is to demonize the Border Patrol, increase the Democrats political capital, so they can cram through radical agendas with illegal immigration. The mainstream Democrats are now endorsing open borders. Decriminalized crossings, free healthcare, free college, and a path to citizenship are all on the table for the top tier Democratic presidential candidates. Don’t fall for the theatrics of a radical member of Congress, known for hyperbole and dramatics.
Moshe Hill is a political journalist who has written for The Daily Wire, The Queens Jewish Link and The
Jewish Link of New Jersey. He is regularly featured on ‘The Josh M Show’ podcast
Jewish Link of New Jersey. He is regularly featured on ‘The Josh M Show’ podcast
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