#ThursdayNightMassacre – Musk Suspends Lefty Journos

Elon Musk is not fooling around with Twitter. The Chief Twit just banned multiple leftist journalists and commentators for linking to an account that tracked his private jet. Having built up zero immunity to this kind of behavior, the media is melting down.

Accounts that were banned included left-wing propagandist and former Vox journalist Aaron Rupar, CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan, New York Times reporter Ryan Mac, Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell, The Intercept journalist Micah Lee, and hardcore leftist Keith Olbermann.

Musk replied to Mike Solana of Pirate Wires tweet explaining the decision. “Same doxxing rules apply to “journalists” as to everyone else,” Musk said. He continued, “They posted my exact real-time location, basically assassination coordinates, in (obvious) direct violation of Twitter terms of service.”

Elon Musk on why he banned a number of leftwing journalists.

CNN is hyperventilating, calling the decision “impulsive” and “unjustified.” User ALX, who was in Twitter jail for years before being released by Musk, laughed when expressing the irony of this situation. “It’s really something to see corporate media do a complete 180 on Censorship,” he wrote.

Coincidentally, CNN discussed the Twitter Files earlier in the day, on CNN This Morning. The files themselves, which explicitly showed how Twitter was “impulsive” and “unjustified” regarding the banning of the sitting President of the United States, Donald Trump, were not the main interest of the CNN panel. They were too busy making the claim that the revelations were old news, and that the real problem is that Musk handpicked the journalists who would report on the files. But when it happens to them a few hours later, all of a sudden they are going to need to “reevaluate” their “relationship with Twitter.”

I don’t think anyone on the Right is going to shed tears for the same people who cheered when Twitter banned mainstream conservative voices for years.

But hey, the Left can go build their own Twitter, right?

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