A bombshell report by the Republicans on the Committee on Education and the Workforce dropped last week, receiving little to no attention from the media. This report was entitled, “Anti-Semitism on College Campuses Exposed,” and it reviews a year’s worth of interviews and over 400,000 pages of documents from institutions like Harvard, Northwestern, Rutgers, UCLA, and Columbia.
As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader for the Senate Democrats and, as he claims, the highest ranking Jewish elected official in American history, advised Columbia’s anti-Semitic faculty to “keep heads down” and avoid Republicans. Schumer, knowing that he would never bring a bill to the Senate that protected Jews, was telling the universities that were allowing Hamas supporters to target Jews to basically weather the political storm.
Chuck Schumer has traded on his Jewish identity for the half-century that he has been in office. “You know, my name comes from the word shomer: guardian, watcher,” Schumer told the host of a Jewish radio program in 2010. “My ancestors were guardians of the ghetto wall in Chortkov. And I believe Hashem actually gave me that name. One of my roles, very important in the United States Senate, is to be a shomer, to be the shomer Yisrael” – the guardian of Israel – ”and I will continue to be that with every bone in my body.”
This has always been a lie. Schumer actively harms the Jewish people at every given opportunity. He is, by definition, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He will stand on the National Mall in November 2023 and tell hundreds of thousands of Jews that he will support Israel, then turn around and vote against an Israel aid package. He will rant and rave about the rise of anti-Semitism, but he will allow Rashida Tlaib to host Nakba events in Senate meeting rooms (with the help of Bernie Sanders). He will tell David Friedman that he would be a great ambassador to Israel, then vote against him to prevent giving Donald Trump, “the win.” He will sound the alarm about the “threat to democracy” that Trump poses, then stand on the floor of the Senate and call for the ousting of Benjamin Netanyahu. The list goes on.
According to texts obtained by the Committee, former Columbia President Minouche Shafik met with Chuck Schumer in January 2024 about the rise in anti-Semitism on her campus. This was well before the “tentifada” that followed. She texted her board of trustees’ co-chairs David Greenwald and Claire Shipman that Schumer, “advised Shafik that ‘universities’ political problems are really only among Republicans’” and “recommended the ‘best strategy is to keep heads down.’” Only a few weeks later, the campus erupted.

Schumer went even further. In pure partisan fashion, he advised Shafik to not meet with Republicans. “When asked, Schumer and his staff indicated they did not believe it was necessary for the University’s leaders to meet with Republicans,” the report states. “Greenwald echoed this, writing in response, ‘If we are keeping our head down, maybe we shouldn’t meet with Republicans.’”
At this point, it was the Republican-led House of Representatives that was passing Resolutions and Legislation that would protect Jewish students on campus and help the State of Israel. None of those bills became law, however, because Schumer never brought them up for a vote in the Senate.
Columbia’s administration didn’t like these protections. Other text messages between Greenwald and his predecessor Jonathan Lavine showed that the Republicans were investigating college campuses for their role in anti-Semitism. “Let’s hope the Dems win the House back,” Lavine wrote. “Absolutely,” Greenwald responded
Two-faced Schumer did what he always does: He made public statements that make him sound good. “Smashing windows with hammers and taking over university buildings is not free speech. It is lawlessness. And those who did it should promptly face consequences that are not merely a slap on the wrist,” Schumer said in a speech on the Senate floor in April. But on that same floor, when he received the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” from the House three days later, he shelved it. He never brought it up to a vote. Same with the “End Woke Higher Education Act” that passed in September. Same with many other acts that passed the House since October 7.
To put this as nicely as possible without running afoul of language restrictions, Chuck Schumer is a lying, despicable, traitorous, deplorable piece of scum that should be excommunicated from the Jewish religion. He should never be allowed to stand in front of the Jewish community as a defender. He is the worst that our history has to offer, up there with the Eirev Rav and the Hellenists. At least kapos had a gun to their heads when they were betraying their coreligionists. Schumer does it with a smile while sitting on a pedestal.
Ironically, everyone should believe Schumer when he says that only Republicans care about issues like anti-Semitism on college campuses and will do anything about it. And everyone should donate and vote accordingly.